Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Getting a License

Once you complete the download process, click the Create a Google Account link that is available on the same page as the Google Web Services Kit download. You'll see a Web page that requests an email address and password. This page also contains links to Google's terms of service and privacy statements. Make sure you read both before you proceed. The Google Web Services Kit doesn't include copies of either document, so you might want to copy the information and save it on disk for use later. When you finish reading both documents, check the "I have read and accepted the Google Terms of Service above and Privacy Policy" option and click Create My Google Account.

Warning The process described in this section doesn't always work as anticipated. In some cases, Google displays an error message during the email verification process. In other cases, you may think the email verification worked correctly, but never receive a confirmation email from Google containing your license key. When either of these problems occur, contact Google support at accounts-support@google.com for assistance. The support staff will usually send another confirmation email to your inbox that you can use to confirm your account. Never assume the process has worked until you receive the license key.

At this point, you'll see a message stating that Google will send a verification message to your email. Click on the link provided by the verification message to activate your account. After you verify your account, Google will send your developer license to your email. The license normally arrives in about an hour—you might need to wait more or less time depending on how busy Google is at the moment. Make sure you save the email message containing the developer license because you'll need it for every transaction later.

Tip You can always change the password and other information associated with your account. Simply go to the Google Accounts site at http://www.google.com/accounts/Login./ Type your name and password to enter the site. Select the My Account link to change the account information.

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